Durable Medical Equipment (DME) refers to all medical equipment we dispense from our practice location to help treat sleep disorders. Due to federal regulations, we are not able to dispense to Medicare patients.
As a general rule, the equipment closest to your skin needs replacing most often.
Our recommended replacement schedule is:
- Complete mask with headgear – 1 per 6 months
- Nasal replacement cushion – 1 per month, as needed
- Nasal Pillows replacement cushion – 1 per month, as needed
- Full face cushion – 1 per month, as needed
- Chinstrap – 1 per 6 months
- Tubing -1 per 3 month, as needed
- Filter, Ultrafine (white) disposable -2 per month
- Filter, Pollen (black/grey) non-diposable -1 per 6 months
- CPAP machine – once in 5 years
Your own replacement schedule may vary a little.
Please call ahead so we can have your equipment ready for pickup for you. Ask about enrolling in our automatic mail order program so that you are never without a new mask/hose/ mask cushion. We also stock travel CPAP machines and other accessories you can purchase. These are eligible purchases under an HSA / Healthcare FSA spending program.
Call us
Fax 855-598-3606